The Home with Sherry Team Difference
How much does your agent need to know about the appraisal process? A lot. Unlike our team, most agents don't have access to the appraisal system Compflo, which allows us to pull accurate square footage – a key component in determining value. All our agents have trained under a top appraiser and understand how to pull data appraisers can use to arrive at the correct value.
Home values in Atlanta are complicated. It is difficult to come up with an average price per square foot for any area or neighborhood. The reason this varies is other amenities besides size. For instance, does the home have a basement? Is that basement finished? Does it have a multiple-car garage? Screened porch or sunroom? Guest house? Pool or hot tub? All these things add additional value. So does the quality of construction and condition. It takes thorough analysis to come up with a true value for a home.
Thinking about selling? We’d love to meet with you and tour your home and discuss your home value. We’ll do all the research before we meet. In the meantime, if you want to get a quick estimate, fill out the form below and our system will email you the report including a list of homes that have sold in your area.